The day He walked in on me masturbating & I felt like a DISGUSTING PIG!

My man and I typically wake up very early to start our days. I work from remotely from home and he’s typically out in the field. 

I had some time to kill before my first morning meeting, so I decided to get my first orgasm of the day out of the way. He was already dressed and preparing to head to work. 

Our living room area and bedroom are on opposite ends of our apartment, so I figured I’d have a bit of privacy until he was fully out the door.

I got back on the bed and started going to town pleasing myself. I was damn near about to cum when he strolled into the bedroom to change his shoes. 

This was the first time he ever caught me masterbating, though he knows I do it frequently. 

We stared at each other for a couple seconds with only the sounds of the vibrating toy filling the room.

Him (clearly embarrassed): “Sorry, I thought you were going to get a shower and get ready.”

Me (still filled and enjoying): “I was going to after my meeting.”

Him: “Meeting? Is that what we’re calling these now? 🤨”

He grabbed the shoes he wanted and left the room, but I could hear him laughing to himself down the hall. I yelled out, “SORRY IM A DISGUSTING PIG!” 

And I heard him laugh louder as he went out the door. 

For some reason, thinking of myself as a ‘disgusting pig’ and being caught really pushed me over the edge. 

I came hard af, and  even ruined our duvet.

Why am I telling you about all this?

Because I just discovered something about myself. 

The thrill of getting caught is what actually made my orgasm better.

This is true with women (not the getting caught part of it). 

Women’s brains need more novelty and more variety in bed than men’s do. 

You don't necessarily need to catch her masturbating, but you can see why you are always supposed to be exploring more things she might enjoy.

She will be shocked when you help her unlock some of that hidden potential.

Whats more,  it is a WIN for you too!

Think it through and remember that a grateful and horny woman is far more generous than just a horny one. 

And more inventive. And dedicated. Basically everything you want her to be.


Download  Getting Her Kinky; Exploring Fantasies & Games to keep Her Sexually Invested Aroused & Interested


This book will help you explore new territories and experiment with pieces, parts, or entire games and fantasies. Women’s brains need more novelty and more variety in bed than men’s do. Novelty and variety are necessary in order for her to stay sexually invested, aroused and interested in her partner. So, if sex gets boring for her she will have no moral reason to engage in it. In order for you to keep her sexually interested, you have got to understand that her desire stems from novelty, variety, and exploring all the kinky things that interest her… not just the kinky stuff you’re interested in. Read that again….


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