Download 11 Reads For COUPLES in PDF & EPUB

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1. Oral Sex Moves For Him & Her Over 50 Demonstrated

Without a little exotic flavor in sex life, sex itself may become…boring, this is a guide into orally exploring our bodies so we can uncover hidden, uncultivated desires and discover newfound pleasure possibilities. Indulging in oral sex will sharpen lovemaking skills and increase intimacy between couples. How can you experience the best elements of oral sex? It guides couples step by step into each oral sex position helping them overcome the monotony of sex. This is a bold book on mastering the art of going down on your partner, so experiment with different positions that suit your mood.

This will melt in your mouth, “savor” the experience. I cannot find better words to describe this hopefully provocative guide about one of the most pleasurable sexual practices there is: oral sex. Leave all timidity behind and prepare to take advantage of the most thrilling oral sex positions and techniques. A very comprehensive guide for adventurous couples

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2. 366 Sex Moves; Positions for Having Sex a New Way Everyday

Get ready for the best year of your life! 366 Sex Moves offers couples hot and exciting positions for every day of the year. Filled with stunning photography and short technique descriptions that get right to the point, this book allows you to simply pick-up-and-play and do the position shown. 

Whether you’re interested in trying something just a little different or are ready for an advanced acrobatic position, 366 Sex Moves has it all. With this sexy little guide, you’ll never know what the day—or night—will bring.

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3. Couples Guide To Introducing Sex Toys

Introducing sex toys is perfect guide for those looking to liven up their sex lives by hitting hot spots more easily and add new twists to classic oral and sex positions. This book will guide you to explore the colorful world of vibrating, orgasm-givers at the same time reassuring you that there is nothing wrong with aiding for more orgasms alone or with your partner.

Whether you’re a curious beginner or an advanced enthusiast, everything you need to know about introducing, choosing, enjoying, and caring for every sort of bedroom accessory is here. This book presents much-needed information and gentle encouragement to a wide range of readers, both female and male

Inside you will learn;

- best ways to introduce sex toys in your relationship

-clear understanding of both the male and female sexual bodies

- the concept of orgasm, enhancing, benefits, and an end to faking it

- detailed look at sex toys from dildos, vibrators, remote controlled, beads and balls, and toys specially designed for men

- lastly how to use the toys in some of the classic sex positions

Practical and authoritative, yet playful and accessible, reading this book with your partner will surely open new flood gates of sexual pleasure you never thought possible thus stimulating your very own creativity and ingenuity 

So what are you waiting for?

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4. BDSM: A Beginner's Guide

The couple that plays together stays together!!! It’s time to add a few kinky weapons to your after-dark arsenal. Actually, forget “a few” and add lots of them. Moderation is for sexual puritans. There are fifty thrills and chills in this book, boldly borrowed from the world of BDSM—Bondage, Domination, Sadism and Masochism. These edgy ideas are guaranteed to get the juices flowing and the nerves firing like never before. And despite their deviant reputation, they are essential elements of a healthy sex life, even for nice people like you.

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5. Couples Sex Guide with OVER 100 Demonstrated Sex Positions

Sparks fade. Passion dampens. Life 'happens'. That's the path most relationships take. But what if you could chose a different path? One of intense passion, addicting sexual tension & having someone who constantly thinking about you...even if you've been married for the last 10 years? This book is just that antidote as it looks at various sexual positions which should always be up your sleeve

The Couple’s Sex Guide is the antidote to bedroom boredom. It is for couples looking to add a bit of flavor and excitement to their sex lives. Elegant and refined, this book is a perfect gift for a special someone or a friend in love since they will learn, 

~ How to make a deep and meaningful connect with their partner's body.

~ A revolutionary sex practice for couples to enhance sexuality 

~ How to make sex a conscious decision, not an accidental encounter

~ emphasize on how slowness since it increase sensitivity and awakens the body’s innate ecstasy

There are so many challenges that we have in our lives that we often forget to focus our energy into bringing out the pleasure of our own sensuality and sexuality. This book is just one-way that women and their partners can begin to experience sexual pleasure more often and more powerfully in their lives

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6. Extracting Ancient  Sex Secrets for Modern Pleasure

This book covers and proposes the most interesting exotic, erotic maneuvers that the Kama Sutra, Ananga Ranga, Perfumed Garden, and the practice of yoga brings us. Explore through countless tips techniques and sex positions. What better places to look than the beautiful, ancient secrets contained in the erotic pages of the Kama Sutra Ananga Ranga, Perfumed Garden, and the practice of yoga.

Due to an increase of interest in sexuality, and personal growth, these ancient teachings are gaining new acceptance in the pursuit of modern pleasure as they grow older. The erotically positive cultures of the past understood that sexuality was part of a healthy lifestyle. Pleasure, sensuality, and sexuality add happiness, fulfillment, and even more years to our lives. This book is for couples who want to bring back or maintain passion in their sexuality

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7. Plus Size Considered; Positions For Having Sex A New Way Everyday

People of all shapes and sizes can engage in sexual activity and sexual intercourse.  However, these differences in body types mean that one person’s favorite sex positions could be less pleasurable or even very uncomfortable for someone else.  It is important to find comfortable and pleasurable positions that suit your body type and your abilities.  Many plus size individuals that engage in sexual activities may find themselves in positions that are both unfulfilling and uncomfortable. These  positions are safe, enjoyable while avoiding common problems caused by weight, size, or flexibility. Give them a try!

Everyone should and indeed must enjoy their sex life no matter their body type. Often most positions recommended focus on body twisting and therefore mostly difficult for most of us. Sex positions covered in this book all focus on the simplicity of it all but bringing out the best pleasure and sexual adventure associated with varying sex positions. From plus size people to the most slim this sex position book is ideal for all. No complexities, just a smooth run from one sex position to the next.

You can regain exciting passion by redefining excitement, and ‘discovering each other. As a rule, people generally underestimate the role of sexual intimacy in a relationship. We take sexual function and pleasure for granted until it breaks down, and then it causes great distress. Often it’s only at this point that couples—or singles—address sexual concerns. By maintaining a varied and spicy sex life across the life span of a relationship, people can prevent many sexual problems.

So call your partner, look at the pictures together, have a laugh, and then go to bed and enjoy trying out these new sexual positions and exciting new techniques. And above all, remember sex should be enjoyable, and above all FUN

8. Intimate Couples Igniting Love & Passion

Intimate couples is a guide designed to be practical on couples, looking at areas which can help them become more intimate. Although intimacy in relationships is enjoyable but the process of achieving it can be scary. 

In this book part one covers various ways individuals can do to improve their relationship and get more intimate through understanding oneself and their partner. 

Part two of the book looks at the physical part of intimacy from a simple touch to some of the most intimate sexual games a couple may engage in to improve their intimacy. This book covers these two aspects in a tone every average couple will understand – daily interactions and attitudes -physical intimacy - this will relight their love and passion for each other. 

No theories – a daily practical guide for couples who care to improve their relationship

9. Couples Guide to Increasing Quantity & Quality of Sex

Unpredictable, uncontrollable and unbelievably hot! This book is a surefire way to turn up the heat in your relationship. It is packed with steamy tips and tricks for building the ultimate sexual tension with your partner making them always passionately think about YOU. It has timeless advice that can be used by anyone at any stage of their relationship with their significant it a relationship of 30 days or 30 years. With this alluring book you will make your partner your own stalker; sure you’ll discover exhilarating new ways to have a blast in your sex life.

So many relationships start out great, with passionate sex and having lots of fun with each other. But almost always, as the relationship progresses, things start to become routine…to the point where it can actually become even a little boring. If your partner starts to get bored, then you are increasing the risk that they are going to look for excitement elsewhere (in other words, cheating).

The book will teach you how to make your partner anticipate what comes next. making them so eager, so hot, so turned on, over the edge of their desire of you. Sexual tension can rev up your relationship like nothing else.

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10. Couples Guide to Erotic Massage

Dare to awaken your body, and that of your partner, to new experiences of sensual love and pleasure. Have fun experimenting with the abundant know-how techniques offered in this book about a good massage.

The type of massage you will learn here offers more intimate, profound, and mindful contact than that proffered by mere sex. And, of course, it provides much more pleasure.

Discover, here, a new way of getting in touch with your body, a new way of erotic encounter with your beloved, a path full of sensuality, pleasure, and partnership.

couple’s massage, that wonderful way of giving and receiving, is our best means of caring for a relationship, to enrich it and strengthen its weak points, to make it more profound and more substantial each time

Couple’s massage can revive a stuck relationship and it can bring two people who are drifting apart to feel renewed love. It can bring back passion to a loving relationship that has become routine. This can happen for any couple, whatever their age, for there are no limits to the power of touch.

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11. Sexual Roleplays with Over 100 Demonstrated Sex Games

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This book is your ticket to that toe-curling sex that you’ve both been dreaming of. When you indulge in the fantasies and games outlined here, you’ll not only be giving your sex life the time it deserves, but you’ll be injecting creativity and passion into it as well. Each of these scenarios provides a steamy sex date hot enough to put the sizzle back into any relationship!

The possibilities are limited only the imagination, so if getting dressed up in the name of sexual self-discovery sounds appealing to you Explore new territories, flip through the book and experiment with pieces, parts, or entire games and fantasies. Find one that quickens your blood, or just brings a smile to your face, then suggest it to your partner and get started to play.


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Intimate Couples Igniting Love & Passion